A Message from the Interim Pastor…
Generosity is all around us, but sometimes we have to look for it. In the feeding of the five thousand story in the Bible, significant generosity happened once the child shared his five loaves and two fish (John 6:9). That is how it is here at Atonement. Once we begin to share, we will see that God has blessed us with plenty.
Building a Culture of Generosity is the theme for our fall stewardship appeal. This theme points us to the generosity we have witnessed around our church over the past year, but also points us to know that we can grow into this in even more profound ways. When the pastoral crisis came last June, many of us worried that there would not be enough. But our ministry remained strong. In fact, many of us recognized just how critically important this community is to our faith. Our grateful response in generosity helps to demonstrate to us, and to the world around us, that God has provided everything and that we have enough, even enough to share.
During the coming week, I encourage you to pray about how you can become more generous. Then, on intent Sunday, October 27, please bring your intent card with you to declare the generosity that you intend to share with this congregation
Thank you for being a part of this exciting time. Pray for our common work together as we continue to reach out with the Gospel. Your intent card will be mailed to your home during the week of October 14 for you to return on October 27.
Peace and blessing, Pastor Michael |
COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY AT 10AM Service of the Holy Communion Our Gospel Reading is: Mark 10:17-31 Jesus said, “How hard it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God. v.23 Prayer Dear God, thank you for all you have given me. Help me share my bounty with others. Amen Zoom link for worship is at the bottom of this email. Download the Service of Holy Communion Pentecost Season Now the Feast and Celebration Download the Readings and Prayers for Sunday October 13, 2024 ______________________________ |
STEWARDSHIP Look for a letter from Pastor very soon in regard to our new Stewardship program. …So if your gift is serving others, serve them well. Romans 12:13 |
This year’s NJ Synod Bishop’s Challenge asks all NJ congregations to engage in the care of God’s good creation by choosing at least one new action that focuses on environmental sustainability.
Atonement will start participating by having a community wide collection of Clean, Dry, Plastic Film. Buckets and containers for the collection of the plastics will be in the foyer outside the entrance to the church. It’s fun! Everyone can participate. It’s easy to find clean, dry plastic film once you start looking! So, gather it up and bring it to church, putting it in the special containers in the foyer. Go Green Team Atonement!!!!! Print the flyer and save to educate yourself on what to save and share with your family and friends, let’s see if we can get others to help us be successful in meeting our challenge goal. |
Open to see who celebrating a Birthday in October! BILL’S BS…Bible Study! October 14, 2024 7pm Is it time for you to enrich and enhance your Christian life? This Bible Study will help you in taking the next step. Will Run for 6 weeks. To learn more or register email Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Use the above link to connect to the Monday Meeting. WELCA BIBLE STUDY – OPEN LINK TO FIND MORE INFORMATION ON THIS BIBLE STUDY ON WOMEN IN THE BIBLE This Week and coming weeks in Atonement 10/13/24 Neighborhood Breakfast, Food prep starts at 7:30am 10/14/24 Bill’s Bible Study on Zoom 10/20/24 Sullivan Kane Neilson Baptism, during worship service 10/21/24 Church Concil meeting 7pm 10/23/24 Food Pantry 10:30 to 12:30pm ______________________________
CHURCH COUNCIL Download and Read the July 2024 Council Meeting Minutes Download and Read the Pastor’s August 2024 Council Report Download and Read the newest Social Ministry report Read the newest Property Committee report Download and Read the Newest Vendor Pay Report |