The food pantry of Atonement Lutheran Church is classified as an emergency food assistance program which supplements the diets of low income and elderly individuals and families. In existence for over 25 years, the pantry is dependent upon donations from members and friends of Atonement Lutheran Church.
Food Pantry Hours the Second and Fourth Wednesdays
from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
The First Sunday of every month is designated as Food Pantry Sunday. We ask that you bring any non-perishable food items with you to worship and leave them in our basket in the rear of the sanctuary. All items, such as canned soup, vegetables, or fruit, pasta and sauces, peanut butter, cereal, and canned or bottled juices, are gratefully accepted. Other items to consider: travel size personal toiletries; baby products; paper products [paper towels, toilet paper].

Those that we serve are referred to Atonement Lutheran food pantry by many different social service agencies, and are allowed to receive food from the pantry twice a month. No referral is required; however, the people must register with the staff.
Our staff includes over 8 very dedicated volunteers who assist in stocking the shelves on delivery day, filling grocery bags with food items and enroll and check in our clients on food pantry days.
The food pantry is fully computerized. We are now linked into the Oasis Insight Client Management System. All our registered clients are now easily accessed to promote a more accurate and quicker way to service our families in need.
We are appreciative of all food and monetary donations, and as always we thank you for your time and generosity.
Our staff includes over 8 very dedicated volunteers who assist in stocking the shelves on delivery day, filling grocery bags with food items and enroll and check in our clients on food pantry days.
The food pantry is fully computerized. We are now linked into the Oasis Insight Client Management System. All our registered clients are now easily accessed to promote a more accurate and quicker way to service our families in need.
We are appreciative of all food and monetary donations, and as always we thank you for your time and generosity.