
July Update

Conversation on the lawn!
Wednesdays at 6pm
Come join us as we discuss random things in the Bible that we generally don't hear about or learn in the church year. Bring your chair or your blanket, your cup of coffee and your Bible. Let's find out what we didn't know and deepen our faith.

Sunday July 14, 2024

at 7:30am we will begin preparing sandwiches.
We will serve between 8 and 9 am.

How am I present in God's Kingdom?
A Message from the Interim Pastor…

I once read an article that included a quote from the New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright. “What you do in the present—by painting, preaching, singing, sewing, praying, teaching, building hospitals, digging wells, campaigning for justice, writing poems, caring for the needy, loving your neighbor as yourself—will last into God’s future. These activities are not simply ways of making the present life a little less beastly, a little more bearable, until the day when we leave it behind altogether. They are part of what we may call building for God’s kingdom.”

We don’t often think of it this way, but everything we do in our lives – and I mean everything – can be divided into two categories – things that build up God’s kingdom and things that tear it down. All too many of us think that it’s only the big things that we do that build God’s kingdom (or big things we fail to do that tear it down). But, in fact, it’s everything that we do. Even the small things.

When we stand in the check-out line at the grocery store, we can grumble and complain about the lack of help, or the capabilities of the help, or the customer with three hundred coupons, or any of a thousand other things, or we can spend the time thinking about how hard it must be for the harried check-out clerk to be so over-worked and have some compassion for him/her. Both will affect how we end up interacting with the clerk when it’s finally our turn and both will affect how God’s kingdom is built up or torn down.

Peace and blessing,
Pastor Michael

Prayer Petitions and Concerns

Subscribe to "Pastor Atonement" YouTube Channel .
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God exhorts us to pray for people in need.
Please contact the church office to place a loved one or friend on our prayer list.
You may also still join us in person or on Zoom for Sunday Service. Sunday Worship will be via Zoom App. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID- 304 026 322
Follow us on Facebook- The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Atonement in Asbury Park
Wednesday Summer Prayer Picnic
Join us on our front lawn

Bring your own food and we will also have some snacks to share

We will discuss our weekly sermons- Check out the sermons on the Facebook page
We will also have prayer and songs!
All Are Welcome!! Friend and Strangers

God's Work Our Hands Day

Working in the Kula Kafe Garden, Asbury Park

Christian Education

Sunday School has returned to In-Person During the Worship Service Until June 13, 2022 We will be on hiatus

Vanco App

The Vanco App offers a variety of secure electronic payment solutions that allow individuals to make regular offerings and charitable donations. All transactions are processed by Vanco Services, LLC, which has operated the program since its inception in 1998. It's easy to use just download the Vanco app on your phone from your App Store or Google Play and select Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Atonement. For more information, please contact the church office at

Blessing of the Animals

Iglesias Ebenezer Casa de Oracion (Mission Ebenezer)